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Explanatorium of History

Autor: DK
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40 % of 100
RRP: 119,99 lei Preț special 101,99 lei
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Estimare livrare: 18.02.2025

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RRP: 119,99 lei Preț special 101,99 lei

Take a rollercoaster ride through the past with this fact-packed and visually stunning children's history encyclopedia.

Discover what the major turning points in history were, from the evolution and migrations of early humans, to the rise and fall of great empires such as Ancient Rome and the Aztecs. Get the inside track on wars and conflict, from medieval knights to the major clashes of World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and so much more.

This visual reference encyclopedia uses stunning photographs and supporting illustrations to trace the history of science from Ancient Greece, through the major contributions of the Islamic world, the Scientific Revolution, the Space Race, and on to modern technology. The arts, religions, and ideas are also showcased, from the Renaissance and Greek myths to the origins of major world religions, such as Christianity and Buddhism.

Explanatorium of History is the ultimate visual encyclopedia for kids aged 10-14, telling the story of ""us"", from the dawn of human history up to the present day. 

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Detalii produs

Data apariției : 11 nov. 2021
Autor(i) : DK
Tip Coperta : Cartonată
Format : 252x301
Numar pagini : 320
ISBN : 9780241412985