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Spice and Wolf Vol. 13

Seria: Spice and Wolf
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RRP: 64,99 lei Preț special 55,24 lei
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Estimare livrare: 19.02.2025

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RRP: 64,99 lei Preț special 55,24 lei

Lawrence and Holo draw ever closer to the wisewolf's homeland of Yoitsu. But as they near the final leg of their journey, the two of them hear about a mercenary band that shares its name with one of Holo's oldest companions, Myuri. Their investigation brings them to the astonishingly prosperous town of Lesko, a place seemingly overflowing with opportunity and success. But Lawrence has never heard of a town that has no walls or tariffs. How could this be? More importantly, what connections do the Myuri mercenary band have with Lesko's masters, the mighty Debau Company?

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Detalii produs

Serie : Spice and Wolf
Autor(i) : Isuna Hasekura
Tip Coperta : Broșată
Format : 127x191
Numar pagini : 160
ISBN : 9780316440301