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Spice and Wolf Vol. 2

Seria: Spice and Wolf
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RRP: 64,99 lei Preț special 55,24 lei
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Estimare livrare: 20.02.2025

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Carte tipărită
RRP: 64,99 lei Preț special 55,24 lei
Newly arrived in Pazzio, the traveling merchant Lawrence and his companion, Holo the Wisewolf, are poised to turn a huge profit on a currency scheme. But when the deal goes sour and Holo is abducted, will Lawrence's dreams of earning enough to become a proper town merchant fade? Or can this meek merchant devise a new strategy to rescue both his profits and the girl before Holo is delivered to the hands of the Church?

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Detalii produs

Serie : Spice and Wolf
Autor(i) : Isuna Hasekura
Tip Coperta : Broșată
Format : 127x191
Numar pagini : 192
ISBN : 9780316102322