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Spice and Wolf Vol. 9

Seria: Spice and Wolf
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RRP: 64,99 lei Preț special 55,24 lei
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Estimare livrare: 20.02.2025

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Carte tipărită
RRP: 64,99 lei Preț special 55,24 lei

In search of information about Yoitsu, Lawrence and company arrive in the port town of Kerube. Soon after encountering the merchant woman Eve it quickly becomes apparent that there are deals afoot with big profits at stake. Navigating the various parties all angling for a piece of the action, though, is no easy-business, even with a wisewolf on your side!

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Detalii produs

Serie : Spice and Wolf
Autor(i) : Isuna Hasekura
Tip Coperta : Broșată
Format : 127x191
Numar pagini : 176
ISBN : 9780316294874