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The Literature Book

Autor: DK
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RRP: 119,99 lei Preț special 101,99 lei
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Estimare livrare: 19.02.2025

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RRP: 119,99 lei Preț special 101,99 lei

"Books, let's face it, are better than anything else." Nick Hornby

Turn the pages of The Literature Book to discover over 100 of the world's most enthralling reads, and the literary geniuses behind them.

Storytelling is as old as humanity itself. Part of the Big Ideas Simply Explained series, The Literature Book introduces you to ancient classics from the Epic of Gilgamesh written 4,000 years ago, as well as the works of Shakespeare, Voltaire, Tolstoy and more, and 20th-century masterpieces, including Catch-22, Beloved, and On the Road. The perfect reference for your bookshelf, it answers myriad questions such as what is stream of consciousness, who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird and what links the poetry of Wordsworth with that of TS Eliot.

Losing yourself in a great book transports you to another time and place, and The Literature Book sets each title in its social and political context. It helps you appreciate, for example, how Dickens' Bleak House paints a picture of deprivation in 19th-century England, or how Stalin's climb to power was the backdrop for George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.

With succinct plot summaries, graphics, and inspiring quotations, this is a must-have reference for literature students and the perfect gift for book-lovers everywhere. 

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Detalii produs

Colectie : Idei Fundamentale
Autor(i) : DK
Tip Coperta : Cartonată
Format : 195x233
Numar pagini : 352
ISBN : 9780241015469