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Awesome Things to Draw. 18+ Drawings to Master

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RRP: 69,90 lei Preț special 59,42 lei
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Estimare livrare: 19.02.2025

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Carte tipărită
RRP: 69,90 lei Preț special 59,42 lei

You Can Draw Anything The must-have kit for any tween, kid or kid-at-heart with the desire to bring their artistic imaginings to life on the page.

Opening with a foundation section of essential drawing techniques and finishing with advanced drawing tricks, this book contains everything needed to know to master drawing over 100 out-of-this-world pictures!

• 3 grey pencils
• 9 coloured oencils
• putty eraser
• pencil sharpener
• a 64-page book

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Detalii produs

Data apariției : 11 nov. 2020
Format : 290x230x28
Numar pagini : 64