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Folder of Fun: Sand and Glitter Art

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RRP: 69,90 lei Preț special 59,42 lei
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Estimare livrare: 18.02.2025

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Carte tipărită
RRP: 69,90 lei Preț special 59,42 lei

Sand & Glitter Art - Inside this crafty folder you'll find everything you need to bring six gorgeous pictures to life with sand and glitter. With five sands and a gorgeous rainbow glitter to choose from, it's up to you to decide how to decorate each page!

Design the ice cream sundae of your dreams, give a flying unicorn some sparkle or add colourful sand to super-cute animals, then grab your best pencil crayons to bring the colouring pages to life.

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Detalii produs

Data apariției : 11 nov. 2020
Tip Coperta : Broșată
Format : 290x230x30
Numar pagini : 30