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Spice and Wolf Vol. 8

Seria: Spice and Wolf
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RRP: 64,99 lei Preț special 55,24 lei
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Estimare livrare: 19.02.2025

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Carte tipărită
RRP: 64,99 lei Preț special 55,24 lei
A new chapter unfolds in the travels of Lawrence and Holo! The pair arrives at the church in the village of Tereo to glean information about Holo's homeland of Yoitsu. But Elsa, the deaconess, turns them away flat! What has happened to make her so suspicious? Could it have something to do with the neighboring town of Enberch?

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Detalii produs

Serie : Spice and Wolf
Autor(i) : Isuna Hasekura
Tip Coperta : Broșată
Format : 127x191
Numar pagini : 176
ISBN : 9780316250856