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The Science of Nutrition

Autor: DK
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RRP: 119,99 lei Preț special 101,99 lei
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Estimare livrare: 12.12.2024

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RRP: 119,99 lei Preț special 101,99 lei

Is a vegan diet healthier? Should I try going low-carb? Is it always a bad idea to skip a meal? Are superfoods all they're cracked up to be? Is fat still bad for you? Can I eat to improve my chances of conceiving?

Recognising that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to nutrition, this ground-breaking book has the answers to all your food-related questions, covering every conceivable topic - from gut bacteria to weight management, to heart health and immune support, to vegan diets and intermittent fasting, and everything in between.

With an accessible Q&A approach and informative graphics, this nutrition book will debunk popular food myths and diets, redefine nutrition in the modern world, and enable you to make informed decisions that are best suited to you, about what, when, and how to eat.

The book's easily digestible, evidence-based advice will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to assess the often misleading claims of diet gurus and develop an approach to nutrition that works best for you.

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Detalii produs

Autor(i) : DK
Tip Coperta : Cartonată
Format : 213x255
Numar pagini : 224
ISBN : 9780241506462